Thursday, August 07, 2014

A New Direction

Hi everyone!!'s been a while since I've been able to keep in touch here on the blog. Our family lost a beloved pet of almost 20 years to cancer, which was just heartbreaking. We were also blessed, against all the odds and a difficult pregnancy, with the miracle of a little girl! She is such a cutie and so very precious!
With welcoming our new baby, things are running a bit slower on the business side of life and it's time for me to simplify and focus more on family.

With that goal in mind, I'm going to be shutting down the old website, which is run entirely manually (Yes! It's THAT old! Lol!) and moving everything to Etsy and Ravely. The patterns there automatically download so you can start creating right away! I will also be moving all the jewels over to Etsy as I have time to photograph them. With all this change, a new simpler blog will be in order paired with a new focus on social media.

Looking toward 2015 and the future, I have a TON of awesome crochet/knit patterns on the back burner waiting to be photographed and formally written out and a whole new line of super cool wearables in the drawing notebook!

Please bear with me as I take a little longer to fulfill orders and communicate with you with the arrival of our new baby :) I thank you all for your patience and understanding!!  I hope this transition to a simpler, more user-friendly Jeweled Elegance will enable me to keep serving all of you and keep the business going during this new joyous time for our family. Thank you!!!

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