Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Getting Gorgeous

Hi all!! Well, you might have noticed from the changed look of my blog that big changes are afoot. Not only is my blog completely redesigned, but I am also working on completely redesigning my website boutique. It's been two years since my last major website update while I worked on getting Etsy up and running and my poor neglected website really needs some love and freshening up. So, I'm ignoring the beautiful weather outside and keeping my nose to the grindstone making new graphics, taking new pictures, creating new product, and handcoding lots of HTML and XHTML. I'd love to have a fancy, integrated cart website with all the bells and whistles, but that will have to wait until I win the lottery or something :) So, it's still the Paypal shopping cart, but it's going to be just gorgeous!!

As if that wasn't enough of a project, I am also moving ahead on launching my crochet goodies and patterns. AND starting at least one new blog project (maybe two) to create a new direction for the future of my company. So, I'm not going to spend much time in blogland for the immediate future .. because as great as that is, it can consume enormous amounts of time, and I'm a girl with a mission!

I want to have everthing up and running before the start of my Saturday Market on May 2. Oh, that's right! With all my other projects, I also need to be ready to sell at market in .. gulp .. 3 weeks!! I'm going to be one busy Bejeweled!

I've still got a few more weeks of working hard, and then I can go outside to the patio to smell the flowers and have a well deserved slice of decadent cheesecake with a pot of fancy tea!


  1. Everything looks FABULOUS sweetie! I know you have lots to do, but take a little time for you too! Love, Jamie

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I really admire your energy and determination.
    I hope everything goes as smoothly and nicely as it can !

    Sending you lots of crafty love and energy !

  3. your new look is wonderful Heather...mmmmm, cheescake!!! yummy!!!
    don't work too hard:)

  4. I love your blog design. It's gorgeous! and you really are very busy. So many new directions and projects to complete. At least you know how to use HTML. I'm still struggling but I let Jason work it out for me =) He is a web designer lol.

    I have my own news! lol On my blog but I might put a new post up =)

  5. Stopping by to say hello.... its been a rough time for me ... had some priorities that needed to get straightened out.... took some time off from blogging .... but will be back soon...

    Its kind of fun reading all the back posts and catching up...

    I can see you have been quite busy..

    LOVE the new design and your jewelry is LOVELY!!


  6. Wow, I'm exhausted just reading everything that you're up to. I don't know how you can ignore the lovely weather, it's so few and far between lately up here. :oP

    Beautiful blog look. Love it! :o)

  7. I do like the new look esp as noted by that fancy lady there! The flowers are just so luscious... and those named rocks certainly must be good friends as well. Hello Sage, hello Chives... how does YOUR garden grow? lol.
    Have fun with it all!


  8. Yikes, I'm tired thinking of all you have to get done.

    We can spend a lot of time in blogland and I find that blogging should be without obligation! You need to do what you need to do!

  9. wowowow! lots happening! Sending you lots of luck and 'keep eyes open' vibes for all those late nights.
