Monday, May 04, 2009

Sherwood Saturday Market Opening Day!!

This weekend was the opening weekend of the local market I vend at. I had a fantastic time and it was so wonderful to reconnect with all my vendor friends, catch up with all my long-time customers, and meet so many lovely new people!peacock pearl wire wrapped vintage style brass hoop pendant necklaceNow, this weekend was super stormy, rainy with strong tree-whipping winds. Given the weather and the fact that the local newspaper failed to run their usual article on the market opening, we still had a fantastic turnout and everyone had a blast! As any true Northwesterners will tell you, a little rainy weather is no reason not to get out and about. Here in the Pacific Northwest, it traditionally rains 1 or 2 days out of every three, so you can see where the mentality comes from :)
little tweet cute bird package toppersI made some booth changes this year to try to make set up and take down a little easier on myself. Here's one of the decorative plates I'm trying out. This one is full of Little Tweet package toppers. Love these cuties!blue terbium glass bird brass necklaceAnd here's the day's best seller. A sweet little bird necklace with blue terbium glass. I have a limited supply of this particular cut and color of glass, so I only have ONE more of these to put out for sale next week.
asymmetrical vintage style brass necklaces with jade gemstones  and ladybug and flower and leaf embellishmentsAh, and here are two of my new favorites. Asymmetrical necklaces with awesome nature embellishments. The green one has large jade gemstone beads and a lovely red ladybug. And the lighter one has red mountain jade gemstone beads and a cute flower / leaf combo. All feature vintage style, but lead and nickel free, brass.

It has been an insanely busy past four weeks for me! I didn't get everything done I had planned to, but I got my website and blog freshened up, got to market with a full table of lovely wares to sell, and had a *great* visit with my mom. I wish she didn't live so very far away, but I am glad she got to spend a little quality time here with me and the kids. And she agreed to be a pattern tester for me! Whoo hoo!


  1. Great that you had a nice visit with your Mom! AWESOME that the first market day went so well! I had no doubts! hehe xo H

  2. Congrats on market day! Your work is fantastic and fun, too.
    Have a good rest of week.

  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Happy you had such a great time !
    Just looking at the pictures in this post, I'm sure the customers were pretty happy too :)
    Your creations are so lovely !

  4. Anonymous2:06 AM

    That top pendant is lovely! I have been 'insanely' busy too, must be that time of the year!!
