Well, I've been super busy for weeks knitting and crocheting holiday gifts. Can't show any of those though or the recipients might see them! So, I thought I'd do a few posts on holiday knit and crochet publications.
First up, "Jane Austin Knits 2011". I spied this on a special display stand at my local Barnes and Noble and snapped it up. It's brilliant. At $14.99 it wasn't cheap, but well worth the money. 35 knitted projects inspired by Jane Austin's narratives. Plus a sprinkling of articles, which are not just fluff filler as is so often the case in these special publication, but rather interesting pieces on Regency fashion, knitting, and Jane Austin style.
The patterns are separated into four themed sections: "Country", "Manor", "Garden", and "Town", and gorgeously photographed. Here's a shot of what's included (click to enlarge):
This is a really nicely edited selection of patterns. Often times, there will be one or two good projects in a magazine and a few ho-hums, but there isn't a bad one in the bunch here. Great mix of types of items to make and skill levels.
Bottom Line? Good buy. Within minutes of cracking open the first page you'll find yourself popping in a Pride & Prejudice DVD, the first of what will be a Jane Austin movie marathon, putting the kettle on for a cup of hot tea, and picking up a knitting project to work on. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon :)
P.S. Looks like a "Jane Austin Knits 2012" is in the works, so head on over to janeaustinknits.com for their call for entries if you're a designer, writer or Regency-era historian.
this looks amazing, will be checking out that site, thanks, love the scarf in the picture