This last weekend we packed the car full, loaded up on snacks, water and navigation aids ... and headed off for a family vacation at the 13th annual
Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire! We had been planning to go to this cool event for a whole year and it was well worth the wait! I believe this is the largest RenFaire in the Pacific Northwest with attendance around 17,000? Many people were in period garb and there were many participants installed along or walking the "streets" doing performance art. Like this bubble blower girl.

The highlight for us was the joust. This year the joust was done by The Imperial Knights, a production company featuring former stunt actors who play to the crowd in jousting and sword fighting competitions. They put on a fabulous show! You knew it was all highly choreographed for safety, but still .. the demanding physical nature of the show had you wondering how many bruises they went home with.

The tournament ring was segmented into four parts, one for each of the four knights, and marked with the colors of that knight. Whichever section you were seated in was the knight you were to cheer for in battle. Here you can see the section in front of us. The fence is tied with black and red strips and overhead is a black and red flag. That meant ....

our section was to cheer for the Black Knight! Here he is about to throw flowers to admiring fair ladies. Love this courtly love touch to the show!

I also really liked that all the horses they used in the show were rescued horses.
I took a ton of pictures of my children in their totally cute dress-up garb, but for reasons of internet safety I don't post pics of my children online. You'll just have to trust me that they were
totally cute! One was a man-at-arms with body armor and the other one was a fairy with a full wing get-up :) I planned to buy a costume there, but clothes shopping and trying on gowns and corsets was not something that the three guys I was with thought was any fun. But I took a bunch of business cards so hopefully I can get something online for next year! We did buy this........

This is a full set of handforged silverware. We watched the forger at work and thought these were just too cool to pass up. Each piece has the smith's mark on it and is completely handmade just as it would have been several hundred years ago. We plan to mount them on our kitchen wall above the sink.
The Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire is finished for this year, but we are already planning to go back again next year. If anyone is in Oregon and wants to meet up at the faire, just let me know!
Looks fun! I've always wanted to go to one of these but haven't had a chance.
Greetings, mi' lady. Looks like so much fun. I wish I lived in Oregon because I'd meet ya' there. Hope you're having a great week.
I am so glad you got to do this, Heather! We have a RenFaire the first weekend in November and -- are you ready for this? The attendance runs between 35,000 and 40,000 each year. It has become so huge that I have not gone for the past two years. Our Kiwanis Club had a food booth at this event for ten+ years . . .
Kathy V in NM
We have a ren fest too! Ours is in Feb and March and lasts for around 8-10 weeks. So much fun!
I love going to Ren Fest. I had a Medieval Themed wedding that I turned into a mini-Ren Fest. It was so much fun!
The festivities were fabulous I agree. The black knight was my favorite, as was his horse. We went to McGilly's twice. Once for the original and the second time for a "refill."
That looks just fantastic!!! I can see why you would want to go, what with your passion for period drama, costumes etc!!! What fun to dress up and go! I do love your silverware, will look wonderful on a kitchen wall.
Thanks for all the wonderful and supportive comments you leave me!
Looks like alot of fun!!!!!
Just stoppin' in to say hello!~
Oh no! I didn't get that message you were talking about. What did you say? E-mail me if you don't want to take your chances with blogger again:)
I love renaissance fairs! -- how much fun for you and your family! Great day and great photos!
Carlos would have loved the jousting! What a great time! That handforged silverwear is amazing....nothing like handcrafted...
I have always wanted to go to a Renaissance Faire! How utterly fun. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
It looks like you would have had an awesome time! I've always wanted to go to one of those faires.
And the silverware that you purchased looked great! It will look fantastic mounted on your wall.
I liked your needle felting. Another craft I can't do. They are so sweet.
And the polyvore sets you had looked great! It's such a good time waster lol.
Oh wow, you're so lucky!
My boyfriend and I love everything to do with the Medieval/Renaissance/Knights/Jousting everything!.., but we keep missing anything like that.. and to be honest, I think they're quite rare in the UK, unless I'm not looking hard enough!
Now, did you wear a beautiful Renaissance gown?!
Hi Heather,
Playing catch up.... it looks like tremendous fun... glad you and children enjoyed it so..
I have heard of these fairs but never been to one..
Might just have to do it one day
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