The leaves continue to change and the air gets colder and quieter every day. The afternoons are still getting quite warm though after the fog burns off. Perfect for late afternoon walks. So ... off we went for a family walk!
This row of trees was just picture perfect! The only thing missing was that bright blue sky particular to Autumn afternoons. More of a blah grey today, but oh, those magnificent trees!

Watch where you step! It's a fuzzy Wooly Bear!! Otherwise known as the caterpillar form of the Isabella tiger moth, Pyrrharctia isabella, but that's just not as much fun to say as "Wooly Bear" :)

Folklore has it that the severity of the coming winter can be foretold by the width of the brownish/red band. A wide band means a mild winter and a narrow one means a harsh winter. Hmmmm.....from the looks of this one, looks like plenty of snow and ice ahead!
That is a gorgeous picture! Are trees are just barely beginning to change color. As for the caterpillar, I haven't seen one with either a wide or narrow stripe. How fun!
i haven't been paying attention to the wooly bear stripes...i am going to get right on that...i hope the ones i find have HUGELY wide brown bands...i don't like the band on yours...LOL:)
Great story!! I just did one on folklore too...
You were leaving a comment on my old post while I was writing my new one... thank you for the concerns and well wishes.... I am getting better... though it truly does take a long time
Oh I love those! I have not seen any for a LONG time! They tickle when they crawl on your hand.
i used to see those all the time in california when i lived there, but i never see them here in washington. they are so cute. they DO tickle!
what a cute little creature !
That is really interesting! How cute does it look as well?! And those autumn trees look so beautiful!
Beautiful and picture perfect. The wooly bear fits right ine.
The trees are such a gorgeous shade of orange!
i'm so jealous - that intense orange-red made my eyes pop out! we don't get color like that around here. in fact, today is in the '80's (again) - bleh!
Those tress are beautiful! I am so jealous of you...trees down here turn two and brown!
Beautiful pictures and love the fuzzy wooly bear prediction!!
Have a wonderful day!
kari & kijsa
Those trees look alot like the ones we have in Corvallis! Isn't it beautiful?
Here's some of my husband's images from Autumn in the NW:
Those Fall pictures are gorgous! I've been trying to be patient waiting for it here. I just love fall. Thanks for sharing
Oh, I remember these!! So perfectly formed for Halloween, aren't they?
Lovely blog you have here. Edward and I shall return.
Those trees are awesome, like a row of luscious lollipops!
Gosh, I haven't seen a wooly bear since I left Ohio! Yep, it's getting colder down here at night, too . . .
Kathy V in NM
That woolybear is so cute, looks like something from a book or movie, but no, it's real!
hey there! i had some minor surgery today, so i'm spending my time in bed and catching up on all my blog friends. i've been so negligent in my reading... i chose this post to comment on since my husband just found one of these catepillars yesterday in our house. i wish i had noticed his stripes! i've heard we are suppose to have a tough winter as well... blah!
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