If this is your first time to my blog .. Welcome! You can take a look at the rest of my blog here. I love visitors and new bloggy friends!
This is my FOURTH year (wow!) participating in OWOH and I am so proud to participate again. This past year I have worked really, *really* hard despite numerous obstacles to finally get my line of crochet jewelry and crochet patterns off the ground and was thrilled to finally list the first one in November 2009! In celebration of that, I am offering your choice of any one of my new patterns as my giveaway item:

romantic lacey choker, garden flower choker, fingerless gloves, scarflette, zakka breakfast mat, or snowflake earrings
To enter and be eligible to win you must:
1) be a blogger
2) leave a comment - make sure I have a way to contact you if you win. If your blogging profile doesn't link back to your blog, then please leave an email address; oh, and you don't need to choose which pattern you would like now .. you can decide that after winning :)
3) make your entry on or before Feb. 14th
This fabulous blogland event ends on Feb 15th and I will be contacting the lucky winner on that day!
Be sure to check out all the other blogs participating by clicking on the One World One Heart logo on the left and make some wonderful new bloggy friends! :)
1 – 200 of 261 Newer› Newest»Wonderful give away!
Your creations are beautiful, count me in for your giveaway
Lovely giveaway that I would love to have any one of them! Please enter me!
I am #156 on the Magic Carpet Ride:
PS I'll be out of the country and away from the internet from the 14th-20th. If I am lucky enough to win, hold that prize for me!!! LOL!
Great giveaway. Please count me in.
I love the snowflake earrings!
Pirjo from Finland
Beautiful work! Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win! chiggerlane@aol.com
Great giveaway, please count me in and if you hve time visit mine (#154)
Greetings from bonny Scotland
Ooooh, I fell in love with your fingerless gloves and scarflette - it´s sooooo cold here in Germany right now, and I´d love to be the warmed winner of your draw!
I just got some yarn and would love to have one of your patterns. Feel free to stop by my blog, too.
They're all so lovely that it would be hard to pick, but I hope I get the chance! Wonderful giveaway!
Happy Monday!
Great! please add my name and feel free to visit my blog as well.
They are all quite lovely!
Wonderful work! Please include me :)
Oh my! The earrings?! GORGEAUS! Pls. enter my name into your drawing! Cheers, Julie
please count me in! wonderful giveaway!
SO many beautiful creations. I would love to be entered in your drawing.
wonderful creations and I need some inspiration to crochet up something I can attach my buttons to, lol. Beautiful!
I'm #31 on the magic carpet
Cool stuff! I'd love a chance to win your beautiful creations!
What a sweet giveaway; I like your work here, and I know which one I'd choose.... You are welcome to visit my blog also.
Have a nice week !
Greetings from Moldova!
The gloves are gorgeous!!!!
OWOH #138
OOooh! Love your giveaway! I am just itching to make some new things with yarn and I JUST LOVE YOUR PATTERNS!
Thank you for such a generous giveaway! And nice to meet you!
Zan ~ beyondvagabond@gmail.com
You can also visit my giveaways on:
I love both your art and your blog, they are very beautiful! Please take a moment to enter my giveaway #194
Some great items here! Thanks!
very lovely. Thank you
Please visit my blog as well #350 on the magic carpet
Great giveaway...please count me in :)
Your patterns are wonderful!
Please visit my OWOH giveaway!
Your work is lovely
wozer what a give away! Count me in :)
Please stop by my blog and enter my little give away too!
These are gorgeous! So happy to have stumbled upon your blog through OWOH today! saraheileycowherd@gmail.com
Oh I love your fingerless gloves and snowflake earrings!
Hope you can drop by my blog as well where I'm giving away paper banners/bunting: http://kidney-garden.blogspot.com/
The crochet choker/necklace pattern would be awesome to win. Nice to meet you! Visit #415.
Lovely stuff!
How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
I would love to be included in your giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Such lovely creations. I love One World One Heart because it gives us an opportunity to find new and beautiful places like yours to visit. Such a lovely giveaway, please enter my name in your drawing, and stop by to enter mine.
Awesome giveaway!! I'm #252 on the OWOH list.
I am giving away soaps, and a custom tutu. I'd love it if you'd participate!
I love these patterns -- I would have a hard tie choosing between the scarflette one and the snowflake earrings -- I've bookmarked your site to come back to it!!Please enter my name-- thanks so much!
I would love to try these out!
This us such a wonderful way to find so many vibrant and talented people!
I'm #365 and 366 on the magic carpet
I'd love to be the lucky recipient of your lovely crochet patterns.
I'm stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride. Please come by and visit me too......enjoy the ride....and happy landings.
this is fun! super giveaway! would love to win! please enter my name in your drawing.
Greetings & Salutations,
Fabulous OWOH Giveaways!
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:
Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward
Your patterns are amazing and I would be delighted to win Thanks so very much
cool beans , please sign me up!
Please enter me in your draw! Also pop over to my blog, have a browse around and enter my give away. I’m number 303 on the magic carpet :)
Your work is just beautiful. I would count myself very lucky to win something that you made. I just got my post up this evening. I'm afraid we're all going to be really busy looking at all the wonderful blogs out there. Have fun!
My Desert Cottage
Your creations are wonderful! Thanks so much for the chance to win! HBKHotie1@msn.com
please add me in :)
wow,wow beautiful jewelery
wishes from Vienna/Austria
Love your work, especially the scarflette and the snowflake earrings!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing gift! Please enter my drawing. I'm #387 on tha magic carpet!
everything is ohsoverybeautiful. I would love to participate. :)
hey...would love to enter....
Ooh, your creations are beautiful and what a clever idea. Please count me in. Isn't this a wonderful and exciting event, there's so many participants to keep track of, I hope you get a chance to visit my blog too (if you haven't already). Have fun and enjoy the ride!!!
Wonderful Gift, I would love to win one, I can crochet, but never managed to knit successfully, it always look neat but never sewed up properly, so I left knitting to my Mum when she was alive :)
Please drop my name into the Hat.Linda :) and Please come and visit too..
Beautiful! Please include me in your OWOH giveaway. Visit my blog too - nice to meet you! Diann
Great giveaway! I would love to win :)
memoriesforlifescrapbooks at hotmail dot com
I would love for you to enter mine as well: http://memoriesforlifescrapbooks.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart-giveaway.html
Such lovely eye candy, all of them! Wouldn't know which to choose! PLease enter me & stop by mine to enter too! The link is in my profile & I'm #190 on the carpet!
Wonderful work! I especially like the gloves! I would love to win. Stop by and visit my giveaway as well. OWOH #74
Thank you for visiting my blog. Wonderful things you make. I will come back to take a closer look. Kind regards,
Oh wow, I just love your patterns!!! I would also love to be entered into your drawing.
Please stop by and enter your name into my giveaway - #548.
Please sign me up for your giveaway...love the whimsy. Please come by my blog also.
Greetings from Maine. Your creations are lovely. Please sign me up. Thank you.
How wonderful! Please enter my name and visit me to enter my giveaway and get to know me, too! ♥
Congrats on getting your new line up! Such pretty needlework. Please count me in. Thanks, Theresa
Your items are wonderful! You have such a way of making your items looks so romantic in style. I love that!
It's good to meet you!
I love your work!
Greetings from Ohio
Beautiful work. I am a knitter, my present is here
I like to crochet! Please PICK ME to win in your giveaway drawing! thank you.
I will back to visit after the event.
what a lovely give away please put my name in teh hat
How pretty!
Hello from Vermont. Your items are lovely.
Please enter me in the giveaway.
Thanks for sharing.
O love all of your trinkets! I would love to have one - I have a gift for you, too! #335 Art Dolls Only - click there and look for my doll - Fabby Dolls.
Heather, anyone who wins one of your creations will be very lucky indeed! Rachaelxo
Everything is wonderful....but those fingerless gloves are fascinating to me....but would be honored to win any of those items.
Come visit my blog for a chance to win, also. #515
How nice to have a choice of things to pick from.
fabulous giveaway. Please include me and stop by my drawing at http://www.artsyfran.com/2010/01/25/owoh_2010/
oooh how would I be able to choose if I was lucky enough to win!!? I like the earrings, the scarf, the gloves, the....everything!!! ;-)
OHHH FABULOUS offering!! These are certainly more fun and beautiful than the swiffer cover I'm currently crocheting :O)
Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!
Angie--Southeast, Texas #57
Such sweet goodies! I really love those gloves!
Melissa #462
Beautiful giveaway! I enjoyed visiting! I'm having too much fun traveling the world on the Magic Carpet Ride. If you can, pop on over I'm #395 on the list.
Oooooh I love the fingerless gloves, beautiful!
Your creations are so lovely. Plese add me...m.
Wow - what an awesome giveaway! Your creations are so pretty! Please count me in and be sure to stop by and enter my OWOH giveaway. I'm #56.
Your creations are fabulous, you should be proud. So glad I stopped by. Enjoy OWOH
your stuff is lovely, please enter me!
Feel free to enter mine, i'm #364
Lovely things!
I want!
Thanks for the delightful stop on my magic carpet ride.
What a beautiful and generous giveaway. Thank you for entering me and have a wonderful evening!
they are all beautiful! please toss my name in the hat, and stop by and visit my owoh post! thanks, Kath
What a nice giveaway! Good luck with your new crochet line. I love your Etsy shop.
This is my first year to participate and I'm finding it fascinating and a bit overwhelming too...but having a blast on my "Magic Carpet" ride...LOL!
Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at http://www.calkatthejewelryjunkie.blogspot.com
Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV
These are fabulous!!! I am definitely gonna now follow you!! congrats on opening the etsy store. I am just getting started myself with selling online crafts. Also, I am just learning to knit, so your pieces are an inspiration!
come visit me at 277.
All the patterns are lovely! I'd love to win. Please visit me, 211, on the magic carpet.
What a lovely giveaway and it's been such a a pleasure to visit your blog. I'm #663 on the magic carpet ride...I'd love to have you stop and visit.
I've been reading your blog for a while now and admiring your new creations. I would love a chance to win one of your patterns.
Sophie in Montreal
I love to crochet and your patterns are awesome. Please include in the giveaway.
Magic Carpet #460
Southern Illinois
prpldy@comcast dot net
Your patterns are gorgeous! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway.
Beautiful patterns! I would love to have my name thrown in the hat.
thank you!
i love how you are moving from concept to realization; great idea. it'll be fun to watch the concept from start to finish!
kecia #29 @OWOH
I love your creations - please enter my name. Also visit my blog and enter my drawing. Thanks
your jewelery r lovely and it'll be fabulous to have a nice pattern! count me in.
what great talent you have! I love your blog!! and since you crochet,I'll be passing you onto my son's GF as she is a crocheter also(I crochet to,but it has been awhile) I am now one of your followers :)
I was injured in 2005 on the job,and it took 4-5"of muscle from my right elbow,and 3 bones from my left wrist. enough of that :)
Your offerings are all fabulous!!
If I am chosen,I would love the fingerless gloves (for my wrist)
I am new to blogging (blog being built) but not to art. I hope you will include me in this wonderful giveaway!
Best of luck to all your visitors :)
Greetings from the New Jersey Shore,USA
Excellent, what a great giveaway! Please enter my name! I hope you will drop by my blog (#431 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)
Lovely, please include me in your draw. Please feel free to call on me at #60.
What a great giveaway! count me in please! pop over to my blog and enter mine too i'm #328 :)
What beautiful creations. Love those snowflake earrings but really like your scarflette. Not sure if I like the name more or the item. So glad I got to visit your blog.
How lovely.....please count me in your giftaway....and do come by to my blog to see mine....:)
Thanks for the chance of winning one of your creative patterns!
Hope you can come see my giveaway too
Sherry from England, UK
your earrings and choker are beautiful - hope I win! Please visit me - I have a surprise giveaway
Hello, Your creations are lovely. If you are giving away the patterns it just so happens that I can crochet. (Glad it wasn't knitting) Happy creating and please pop over to #657 and give me a shout out.
Hi, I am a jewelry maker myself. Great give away.
Greetings from Luxembourg
So much fun, meeting and greeting, travelling around the world, viewing great blogs, seeing wonderful creative efforts. OWOH
Beautiful give away
I had fun exploring your blog
did you ever figure out what kind of spider that was . besides being ugly ( can you tell Im not much of a spider person) it kind of looks like what my dad called garden spider
The drift wood scuptures are beautiful.
I am having a lot of fum flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet. it will take me forever to get thru all the entries since i am spending time on each on enjoying everyones creativity
carolyn h
Your creations are absolutely wonderful!!
I am so delighted to meet all of the wonderful blogs along the Magic Carpet Ride excursion! I am having so much fun meeting new people who are of like kind in so many ways. Your work is beautiful and I would love to be entered in your drawing. Please stop by to enter my beaded bracelet giveaway!
Sharon (#52)
Those are gorgeous pieces.
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.
Beautiful artistic pieces!!! I would love to be the winner! Please enter me! Thanks so much!
(And be sure to come enter my OWOH giveaway too! #185 - A Vintage Cottage Home!)
Lovely work!
Love your giveaway; I checked out your Etsy shop and added it as a favorite...I saw some things I really like...will go back later.
Really pretty work!
#711 on the magic carpet
great giveaway, the lace choker is absolutely amazing!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
thanks for such wonderful items to win. I would love them all...
Gosh, I love your patterns, please enter me, I'd love to win!!!
ooooh everything you create is so beautiful!!
But I have been dying for a pair of fingerless gloves!! My hands get cold while I am blog hopping :)
thank you for the opportunity to enter and now I need to go look around your shop :)
Great Give away.. Thanks so much for entering my name for a chance to win..
Hop on the Magic Carpet and fly over to my blog to enter for my prize. Isn't this fun!(I'm #362)
Wow, you are one talented lady. I love your creations! Please count me in your giveaway.
Cool Giveaway!!! I am not good at crochet YET but your patterns look so fun and pretty, I would love the challenge of making up one of them!!!
so lovely and creative!
Thank you for sharing your lovely creations and blog! Fellow PNW gal,,,nice to visit!!!I sew, craft and knit a bit but never really mastered the crochet hook!
Lovely giveaway,stop by my little blog to enter and leave a comment!
Snohomish, Washington
I just love all the crochet goodies and would love to win one of your gifts!
Great giveaway.
Thank you for playing in OWOH.
So very nice to meet you.
You´ve got some fun & funky stuff on you blog! :-) I´m inspired!
I didn´t make it in time to catch the magic carpet, but I do have a give-away on my blog, and you´re welcome to visit! Have a nice day!
Beautiful giveaways, please count me in.
Thos are so cute! Thanks for the giveaway. I'm in. :)
Oh! Marvelous!
Please count me in!
Gina Luna
Hooray, another crocheter! Lovely, lovely work. I'll be following your blog! Thank you for the chance to win a pattern! #114
What a wonderful giveaway ... please enter my name in the mix. Thanks so much and have a beautiful, artful day.
What a nice gift ! I think I would choose the choker pattern if I was to win. Please enter me ♥
Missy ~ Winnipeg , Canada
Your giveaways are beautiful and so is your etsy!
What a lovely giveaway! Please include me in your giveaway and come on over to #35 and enter mine if you like! Thanks!
Lovely giveaway! #276
Love all the patterns, especially the fingerless gloves!
What clever sreations. Please enter me and go to my blog and play along. kmeddy@centurytel.net
Thank you for lovely giveaway choices! I live where it's cold, so I'm most interested in the choker that's like a muffler ;) and the fingerless gloves -- I wear them while reading! I hope you’ll have a chance to visit my blog and enter my giveaways, #95 on the Magic Carpet!
Doesn't seem like the first OWOH was just a short time ago? I'm happy you are joining again this year, and you new crochet work is fabulous!
I would love a chance to win, please enter me in your drawing, and stop by to sign up for mine, too. #243
The Decorated House
simply fantastic.. thanks for the
opportunity.. t c
What fabulous gifts! Your crochet work is beautiful. please add me to your long list of hopefuls :)
I'm fascinated by the dainty creme choker piece! As I live in the tropics, I can't use the snowflake earring and open mittens but they're all pretty fabulous!
Do stop over at #615 and see my giveaway! http://calej.blogspot.com
Blessings to you
Hello from sunny AZ.... I would love to be entered in.. and can only hope I win one of your beautiful pieces!!
Feel free to stop by when you have time....
Happy Friday
Well congratulations for you for work well done. Your work is beautiful too. How good that would make you feel.
Please do enter my name in your Giveaway. I would LOVE the pattern for the 2nd picture, the neck scarf/wrap. Awesome.
I also have a Giveaway. Be sure to stop by!
have a great day
Congratulations on your etsy shop, your work looks amazing.
Beautiful work! Please add me to your drawing and thank you for your generosity
What a great giveaway! Please count me in, and please visit my giveaway at http://www.nickieblog.blogspot.com
I just love the flower choker, Please enter my name in the drawing #649
oh wow i adore knitted/crocheted accessories, i've been meaning to crochet myself some earings for ages! Please count me in :)
What a talent and great ideas across the board. I love the neck cuff..
Thanks so much
I love the lace collars and the fingerless gloves...really I love it ALL!
I don't want to chose! :) What wonderful giveaways! I'd be very lucky to win :) Thanks for the chance. You can find my post and giveaway at http://twinkietinydog.blogspot.com/2010/01/one-world-one-heart.htmlOWOH #351
Great give away! Count me in! I love it!
Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Some much talent, so little time! Come say hello to my Divas and read my good news today! Jan 719
What a generous jewel you are!
Elegant too~
How wonderful! Love to enter! Thanks! Have a lovely weekend!
Very cool! I want to enter too!
Please visit my blog too #757 cherrypieblog.blogspot.com
Marina at CherryPieArtStamps.co
wow what a lovely giveaway,please add me to your list and what a lovely blog you have,.love Glenda
Hi Bejeweled, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the beautiful crocheted jewelry. You're are so talented. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gift. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.
So nice to meet a fellow crocheter! I love your things. Please enter me in your drawing.
I love your work!Please enter me in your drawing. It's so great to see such beautiful crochet work included.
OMW this offering is gorgeous!
Please add me to the pot and if you have time please hop over to my blog to see what I am giving away xx MyBlog
Thanks for the chance to win.
Fantastic! Please add my name to the hat!
loooooove the fingerless gloves :0) come on over to my blog and say hey.
I´d love a chance to win!
What a pretty giveaway, please add me and feel free to come to my blog too.
I'm a fan of your etsy shop!! :)
My yarn is waiting, thank you. Please visit my blog http://marr-haven.blogspot.com/ to see the felt flower brooch I am gifting.
Greetings from Salem ! Such fun traveling by magic carpet to visit new and old friends. lovely giveaway please enter me too! Susan
I invite you to visit my blog giveaway I have fresh baked brownies and cinnamon tea prepared for my visitors!
what pretty things you make. please count me in. my blog is http://paperfanatic.blogspot.com
What fabulous giveaways and lovely blog you have here! Please count me in.
I'm #818 Studio 64-Chicago on the magic carpet. Please be sure to stop by for a chance at my giveaway too.
Hope to see you there!
mrscmc7 at gmail dot com
I would love to know how to make that gorgeous scarflette!
Wow, I love that heart choker! Sooo beautiful. Please in me in your drawing and visit my blog #314
Swooping by on my magic carpet from Alabama. This is such a wonderful adventure!!
Love your work...please enter my name.
Please come by my place for a visit (#760) sit for a spell and enter for one of my treasures.
Wooonderful giveaway!
Please enter mine too!
Wow your 4th year participating! I just heard about it through a group I'm part of.
Please enter me. If I won the drawing, I would give the pattern to my mother-in-law so she could crochet it for me. Just something I never learned how to do.
What a wonderful and clever creation! Thank you so much for your giveaway!
Amy, OWOH #680/681
Wow, I love your work. Your jewelery and crochet is great.
Please enter me into the draw.
Beautiful work- please enter me. I can't believe the wonderful items that people have on their sites.
#834 & 835
It wouldn't be One World One Heart without you! I'm so glad that you are a part of One World One Heart again this year! Please do enter my name in your giveaway and stop by my post as well, if you have not already had the chance. www.thelightifind.blogspot.com
Please enter me. #813!
Thanks for the chance to try one of your patterns, If I win of course :-)
lovely creations!!
Please pick me up!!!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Hello there bejeweled, pleased to meet you.
Your crochet work is stunning, I'm a little in awe of it. I can't knit or crochet, but admire the work. If I am lucky enough to win, can I donate it to made4aid to raise funds for Haiti?
Enjoy your carpet ride.
Beautiful! Crochet has always eluded me...sadly...
What awesome giveaways!
Please also visit my bloggie :)
Thank you!
Would love a chance to win, thank you for such a great giveaway
Tanya #828
This is s great giveaway! Please count me in
What a great giveaway, count me in. Your designs are awesome. I hope you visit my giveaway #791
beautiful giveaway! I'd love to enter..
WOW! I love the scarf! Please visit my blog: http://emiliesplace.webs.com
Your work is SO beautiful, I would love to win!
Thank you for the opportunity!
OWOH #32pen
Beautiful work!
I hope you will visit me.
We are #716 on the list
Greetings from Wisconsin! Please enter me in your awesome giveaway, and stop by and enter my OWOH giveaway at Heavenly Humor! (#922)
Beautiful Giveaway,
Please enter me.
Christine #946
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty!!!
Great giveaway-what awesome projects
Great blog too!
Nice to see you on this Magic Carpet Ride
Shelly #890
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